Deutsch Intern
  • Source: Press office University of Würzburg
Robotics Law Research Centre

Digitisation of Agriculture


The project Digitisation of Agriculture of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB), dealt with issues related to the networking of digital technologies along the agricultural value chain.

In an expert opinion authored by the Forschungsstelle RobotRecht for one thing digital, data-driven Businessmodels from the area of Agriculture 4.0 have to be analyzed. These services often require the exchange of sensitive data. A central question - to be discussed in a further step - is whom the data should be allocated to and who has a right dealing with these data. This question of data sovereignty (also: data-ownership) on not-personal data has not been specifically regulated on. At the same time with the rising of the amount of international data there is also a gain in value for specific groups of people. Therefore it has to be resolved who has the sovereignty over such operational data (and with that the economical exploitation) in a specific case. Therefore a thorough analysis of the opinions in this context is made without loosing the concrete case of agriculture out of sight.

To the website:
