Deutsch Intern
  • Source: Press office University of Würzburg
Robotics Law Research Centre

Internet of the future


Regarding the Internet of the future, the Forschungsstelle prepared a memorandum in which the legal background of the most important current IT phenomena was outlined and the phenomena in question were examined from technological and commercial perspectives, which ultimately also took into account the interdisciplinary character of legal informatics.

Like no other technical revelation the internet changed the daily life of millions of people. In return millions of people are changing the internet. The user became a creator. This development is summarized into the term "Web 2.0" which is a catchphrase for the changing roles in the net. Web 2.0 can also be thought of as typologically, as a summary of a lot of single phenomena that characterize the type Web 2.0. These phenomena (as the web itself too) are in a consistent state of change and process of progression, so that they seem to associated to Web 2.0 and to the Internet of the Future: 

While the potentials of Cloud Computing and Augmented Reality are still not grown up yet, social networks, ubiquitous Computing and Mashups already changed the media landscabe in a radical way. A consistent technological and economical progression can only happen on the piped pathways of the law. In question is - how it is often the case in the area of the new media - whether the law has the necessary framework to face the mentioned developments ahead.

Jones/Nobis/Röchner/Thal, Internet der Zukunft, 2010
