Deutsch Intern

Interculturality and the Law in cases


In the Summersemester 2020 the course "Interkulturalität und Recht in Fällen" as part of "GSiK-Jura" took place at the Faculty of Law. This course was not only showing the technique how to solve tests in penal law, but also giving the opportunity to review and analyse cases in a juristical way with an intercultural background.

In todays world conflicts with an intercultural background are rising in differenct social areas. Especially questions about the relation of law to religion, law as a cultural phenomenon or the impact of ("new") forms of culture are not only in recently discussed in the media, but also in companies, courts and universities and are shaping our everyday live. Unforeseen conflicts can already arise in the first meeting of two humans, e.g. if shaking hands is refused due to cultural or religious reasons.

GSiK-Jura  made it its purpose to examine recent topics for prospective lawyers in a juristicial way. Students are shown what danger lies in black and white thinking and the necessity of taking the broader view. Intercultural competence was imparted to the students in real and hypothetical cases. Together with students out of different semesters a case with intercultural background was discussed on mondays via zoom with a lot of room for intense discussions.

At the end of the course a voluntary test was held that students could also solve with the multilayered knowledge that they learned during the course. This knowledge will be very usefull for the students for everyday life and later at work.

Recently the outcome of the students evaluation came in: The course has been voted with "very good" by listeners and participants and belongs to the absolute top courses of all evaluated events at the faculty. We are very happy about this success!
