TargetJura - engaging in dialogue with an AI
05/30/2022The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of everyday life and has the potential to fundamentally change many aspects of society. Especially in the recent past, AI has developed rapidly and has achieved impressive successes. One example is its superhuman competence in games or many quiz shows. Google and other search engines as we know them today would be unthinkable without the use of AI. Furthermore, it enables personalized advertising, can recognize, output, and translate language at a very high level, performs impressively in image recognition, and much more.
It seems that it is only a matter of time before AI will surpass humans in decision-making as well. What was once considered science fiction is now within reach. But do we even want to reach for it? What is society's attitude toward the increasing, almost escalating use of AI?
The legal-informative cooperation project TargetJura (Tutor System for Argumentation Structures in Ethical and Legal Applications), funded by the BMBF, is working within the framework of a sub-project in cooperation of the Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Systems of Prof. Puppe with the RobotRecht research center, headed by Prof. Hilgendorf, on a discussion platform dedicated to the questions raised above. On this platform, discussions on ethical questions of AI take place based on concrete case studies using a chatbot. The chatbot is used to promote such ethical discussions and is to ensure that discussion rules are observed and that the most important arguments are addressed naturally, without the chatbot representing an opinion that it believes to be correct. A rational style of dialog in an open rather than a goal-oriented discussion is aimed for.