Award for the Forschungsstelle

The best "awarded places": The Forschungsstelle Robotrecht is federal winner in the category science
The Forschungsstelle Robotrecht of the University Würzburg was awarded in the competition "Land der Ideen" (Country of the ideas) to federal winner in the category science.
Legal questions about digital innovations, leading Producers and Users through the jungle of technical revelations: That is the mission of the Forschungsstelle that has been founded in 2010 at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
The team around the Lawyers Professor Eric Hilgendorf and Sven Hötitzsch are having a pioneer function and are still one of a kind in Germany.
On the 10th November 2015 they were awarded winner in the category science. Professor Hilgendorf accepted the prize cup personally at a celebration in Berlin.
Press news:
Video of the Forschungsstelle: Youtube