Workshop: Digitalisation and AI in the justice system. Opportunities and limits.
A joint workshop of the University of Würzburg and the Bamberg Higher Regional Court on digitalisation and AI in the judiciary took place on Monday, 24 April 2023, from 12 to 4 pm in Hörsaal I.
12:00 - Introduction
12:15 - Draft laws on the digital documentation of main hearings and the use of video conferencing technology - challenges for practice
13:00 - Use of AI and algorithmic systems in the justice system
The presiding judge at the Bamberg Higher Regional Court, Gernot Kintzel, presented the various stages of the use of supporting systems in the judiciary. He discussed systems that are already running as standard, presented current pilot projects, and mentioned the next conceivable possibilities for use. The insight into practice was framed by a legal assessment of the various possible applications.
14:15 - National AI initiatives - with a special focus on the judiciary
15:00 - Decision reservations and delegations in data-driven medicine. Lessons from medical law for the digitalisation of justice
Professor Dr. David Roth-Isigkeit from the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer dealt with decision reservations and delegations in data-based medicine. In medical law, too, there is the discussion about the delegation of responsibility or a need for the possibility of final decision, which can be used in the similarly related discussion in the judiciary.